Hello everyone! Anna Campbell here, jewellery tutor with the Arienas Collective. I've taken over the blog today to share what I and some of the other artists have been doing during the lockdown.
It has been tough for us all. As artists, we're used to having different streams of income and teaching is a significant one. We are all looking forward to getting back to teaching from September but in the meantime we've been keeping busy!
We're very grateful for your continued support. Thanks to those that have been in touch to find out how we're doing, we appreciate it more than we can say.
Please do keep booking our workshops and buying Arienas Collective gift vouchers. It really does help support local artists.
Anna Campbell
Free jewellery tutorial as part of the Creative Craft Show live
I was asked by the Creative Craft Show if I would film a jewellery tutorial. I have previously taught beaded jewellery at the London Jewellery School and created this two-strand beaded chain necklace (below) especially for the event.
Here are the details:
Creative Craft Show Live (the full event is on 4th and 5th July, do take a look as there are lots to see)
Saturday 4th July at 2pm
The event is running live on their Facebook group. Here's the link
I am currently working on some beading classes to schedule at the Arienas. If you are interested and would like to be informed when they are published add your email address here >

Podcast interview
For those of you that enjoy podcasts, I've been interviewed for the Jewellers Academy podcast >
I love to support creatives by bringing together my knowledge from my psychology degrees and experience of teaching the subject.
Understanding why we are the way we are and finding tried and tested ways to help us develop our creativity and boost our wellbeing can help us all move onwards and upwards.
In this episode, we talk about change. Change is an inevitable part of life and 2020 has been a unique year in many ways (understatement) not least that we have all been forced to change at the same time. We both crave and fear change and our response to it often follows the exact emotional patterns of grieving.
In this episode, we talk about change from the perspective of how to deal with it and the mindset shifts we need to ride the wave instead of being crushed by it.
I hope you find it useful. You can listen on the web player on this link > or search for ‘Jewellers Academy podcast’ in your favourite podcast app. My interview is episode 2.
Follow me!
Instagram @annaccampbell

Suzanne Kemplay
Art and Wine, lino printing
Suzanne teaches our popular Art & Wine evenings classes at The Arienas Collective and full-day workshops teaching Lino printing for beginners on cards and fabric. During the Coronavirus she has been self-isolating and has not had access to her normal studio but has been making do with a makeshift one over this period. She has been doing some paintings in acrylics and is currently focusing on her flower paintings and lino printing.
In April, Suzanne took part in the initiative set up by Thomas Croft offering free portraits to key NHS workers through social media #portraitsfornhsheroes
She was contacted by Luis Loureiro a Registrar in Renal and Internal Medicine in Glasgow and thoroughly enjoyed painting him. To see her finished portrait please go to her website www.suzannekemplay.co.uk
She is very much looking forward to classes starting up again and is delighted that September’s Lino printing class is already sold out, there are still spaces available for the October and November classes if you’re keen to give it a go.
In an effort to earn some income during this time she is now selling tulip cards in packs and tea towels. She’s selling these directly from her Facebook page click on the message button to place an order: Packs of 3 cards £10, pack of 5 assorted £15 and Tea Towels £15. Shipping free in the UK. She would like to invite you to visit her https://www.facebook.com/suzannekemplay.co.uk/ page and if you like her page and share it you will automatically be entered into a draw to win either a pack of 5 assorted cards or a tea towel.
Follow Suzanne
Instagram @skemplayart

Eugenia Rosa
Artist's Way Women's Circle
"Eugenia, your facilitation of this course has, in no small way, changed my life. What a synchronicity that I signed up for this just prior to lockdown! The process has been instrumental in my ability to weather this particular storm." After the recent conclusion and success of the first Artist's Way Women's Circle at the Arienas Collective in May, Eugenia has written about the power of experiencing and participating in the process in community with others. She has continued to offer The Artist's Way online and looks forward to returning to the magic of intimate in-person gatherings in the Autumn.
Read more about the wonderful achievements of past circle members via https://bit.ly/TAWOnlineWomen
Follow Eugenia
Instagram @eugeniarosa_

Cass Barron
Cass has been working hard to offer some of her workshops online and I know many of you have attended.
The Bookbinding & Botanicals kits have just gone on sale for Children's Art Week - a great family activity as well as a project for children to work on independently. Big kids (i.e. Adults,) are most welcome to join in too - it really is for all levels. The kits share some of her favourite leaf printing techniques and 3 bookbinding projects
Cass has also been working in partnership with Arienas artist Julie Galante on the 'Art of Journalling' collaborative workshop. The first two online workshops sold out and the feedback was fantastic. The next online course is coming up in September so book now to secure your place!
Cass also has some other workshops and kit packages available so do check out her website https://cassandrabarron.com/shop/
Cass has a number of other workshops and kit packages available. You can also buy access to just her tutorials if you already have the bookbinding tools and materials at home.
Follow Cass
Instagram @bookbindingwithcass

Lou Davies
During the lockdown, Lou has been working on a new range of original screenprints. These are designed to work well, either on their own, or mixed and matched to make up a gallery wall. Lou has made each print in a range of sizes that fit standard high street frames. In creating these designs, Lou has been working with ideas of sanctuary and stillness, taking time to appreciate the natural world and considering what elements of lockdown learning we might want to take forward into the future. Find the prints in this collection at https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/LouDavisArt
Lou has also been using lockdown to make free online art tutorials, particularly in pattern drawing and watercolour. They’re great for beginners and perfect for escapism and relaxation. You can find them at https://youtube.com/loudavis

Julie Galante
Artist, writer and creative business coach Julie Galante has been using lockdown as a chance to get back into the studio and experiment with new subjects and mixed media techniques. She’s offering many of these smaller pieces for sale as part of the Artist Support Pledge. Follow her progress on Instagram at @julie_galante or visit her online shop at https://www.juliegalante.com/shop
She’s also been supporting creatives through online workshops and one-to-one mentoring. To learn more about these, visit https://www.airtily.com/
As mentioned, Julie has teamed up with fellow Arienas artist Cass Barron to offer The Art of Journalling, a workshop in which participants create a beautiful refillable journal and explore ways of filling it that promote mindfulness and creativity. The next chance to join this online workshop is 1 September. Learn more and register here: https://cassandrabarron.com/shop/the-art-of-journaling-1-september/
Follow Julie
Instagram @julie_galante

We can't wait to welcome you back to the Arienas Collective!