I recently caught up with artist Lucy Wayman, who runs macramé workshops at The Arienas Collective, to find out what she's been working on recently.
Here are a few close-ups of the fabulous rope sculptures that are currently works-in-progress hanging in her studio. The knots she uses are ones she teaches on her workshops, and the sculptures are inspiration for anyone interested in the creative possibilities of rope, string and knotting; and for lovers of upcycling abandoned items.

"I've been revisiting rope I collected pre-pandemic from the fishing harbours along Fife's coastline, seeing what sings and what's inspiring a new work...."

"...trying to honour the bends and twists that are aged into the harbour rope from years of repetitive use."

"These are the outcomes so far. All use the double half hitch, also known as the Clove hitch knot, that is a principle knot in macramé, and one I teach on the workshop."
Lucy teaches an Introduction to macramé workshop which is suitable for beginners, but also for those who wish to develop their knotting skills. The workshop has two options: on the 3-hour option you get to design and create a unique plant hanger; on the 5-hour option you can work on a bigger project such as a double plant hanger, wall hanging or bespoke macramé bag.
She also offers a festive-themed class where you learn how to make Christmas decorations and a wreath.
All workshops begin by learning the basic knots and techniques, including the Clove hitch knot featured in the images above.
You can find out more about Lucy's Introduction to macramé workshop here.
Details of Lucy's festive wreath and decoration making workshop can be found here.
Image credits: all photos were taken by Lucy and are reproduced here with her permission.
#macrame #fishingrope #fifeharbours #macrameclasses #knotting #edinburghartclasses #edinburghartists #creativeworkshops #wreathmaking #arienascollective #creativeworkshopsscotland